00:00:01:00 - 00:00:04:13 I started telling people I was gay when I was 23. 00:00:04:15 - 00:00:06:21 Even though I felt some relief, 00:00:06:21 - 00:00:09:21 time went on, and it still wasn't quite right. 00:00:09:22 - 00:00:12:16 I hated the word lesbian. 00:00:12:16 - 00:00:15:22 I could never figure out why it rubbed me up the wrong way 00:00:15:24 - 00:00:19:09 until I realized it was because I was transgender. 00:00:19:11 - 00:00:23:21 My whole life has been about living the way other people want me to. 00:00:23:23 - 00:00:26:23 Their comfort was more important than mine. 00:00:27:02 - 00:00:30:02 I thought I'd never have the courage to come out and tell people. 00:00:30:08 - 00:00:34:11 So I'd just be a lesbian, because that's 50% happier than I was before. 00:00:34:11 - 00:00:36:16 and it's better than nothing. 00:00:36:16 - 00:00:41:09 I came to terms with the fact that I'd never have a body that I truly loved. 00:00:41:11 - 00:00:42:11 I didn't hate it, 00:00:42:11 - 00:00:45:08 I just never felt connected to it. 00:00:45:10 - 00:00:46:24 The simplest way I can describe it is, 00:00:46:24 - 00:00:51:06 if you're craving tacos, and someone brings you a pizza. 00:00:51:08 - 00:00:55:18 Pizza isn't terrible, but it's not what you wanted. 00:00:55:20 - 00:00:57:09 I never saw myself as someone 00:00:57:09 - 00:01:00:09 who was going to live the way they authentically wanted to. 00:01:00:13 - 00:01:03:23 I was born wrong, and that's the way it would stay. 00:01:04:00 - 00:01:06:01 God messed me up. 00:01:06:01 - 00:01:08:05 I couldn't handle the thought of saying 00:01:08:05 - 00:01:11:22 my dad is your religious leader, and I'm trans. 00:01:11:24 - 00:01:15:17 One of my biggest concerns was ruining my dad's reputation. 00:01:15:19 - 00:01:17:12 I knew he would never reject me, 00:01:17:12 - 00:01:20:22 but I planned to wait until he retired before I told anyone. 00:01:21:01 - 00:01:23:16 That way, less was at stake. 00:01:23:16 - 00:01:26:20 I'm a passive pushover and a people pleaser. 00:01:26:22 - 00:01:30:02 Just before the pandemic, I'd started wearing a binder. 00:01:30:04 - 00:01:33:20 I shaved my hair short and began dressing in a more masculine way. 00:01:33:22 - 00:01:36:05 Around that time, my mom said 00:01:36:05 - 00:01:38:14 Do you think you want to become a boy? 00:01:38:14 - 00:01:40:17 I panicked and completely shut it down, 00:01:40:17 - 00:01:43:17 telling her that would be ridiculous. 00:01:43:19 - 00:01:44:21 I think it just caught me off guard 00:01:44:21 - 00:01:48:18 and I'd never considered it an option before. 00:01:48:20 - 00:01:51:02 Six months later, at 29, 00:01:51:02 - 00:01:54:21 after much introspection, I came out as trans. 00:01:54:23 - 00:01:57:17 I told my parents on Zoom in the middle of lockdown. 00:01:57:17 - 00:02:00:17 I recorded the whole conversation, and sometimes watch it back 00:02:00:17 - 00:02:04:15 because it astounds me how lucky I am to have the parents I have. 00:02:04:24 - 00:02:07:11 My dad's exact words were 00:02:07:11 - 00:02:10:11 We were all given this skin, our bodies. 00:02:10:15 - 00:02:13:15 It's up to us to figure out what they look like. 00:02:13:17 - 00:02:15:19 That's the outer you. 00:02:15:19 - 00:02:19:17 Now we understand your inside needs to match your outside. 00:02:19:19 - 00:02:23:06 We love who you are, and we love you for you. 00:02:23:08 - 00:02:25:14 There is nothing that can ever change that. 00:02:25:14 - 00:02:28:11 You need to know that with confidence. 00:02:28:13 - 00:02:31:00 We're happy that you're heading to a better place 00:02:31:00 - 00:02:33:13 and that it will give you the freedom you haven't had before.