00:00:00:00 - 00:00:03:08 Cloud Now, look, would you step back behind the line there? I'd appreciate it. 00:00:03:08 - 00:00:04:07 Rose Not really. 00:00:04:13 - 00:00:07:02 Cloud No, seriously, I would. I'd definitely appreciate it. 00:00:07:04 - 00:00:09:13 Rose I mean, not really. I'm not going to. 00:00:09:15 - 00:00:11:15 Cloud I thought you said you probably will. 00:00:11:17 - 00:00:14:19 Rose Yeah, probably. I decided not to. 00:00:14:21 - 00:00:19:17 Cloud Why is that? It's a pretty good sized sculpture. You can see it just fine from there. 00:00:19:19 - 00:00:25:00 Rose Truthfully, I'm building up my nerve, and if I go back over, I'll probably be a big wuss about it and take off. 00:00:25:10 - 00:00:25:18 Cloud About what? 00:00:26:10 - 00:00:32:15 Rose I was going to deface the statue. 00:00:28:12 - 00:00:30:10 Cloud Oh. Oh, Is that paint? 00:00:30:21 - 00:00:31:00 Rose Yes. 00:00:31:17 - 00:00:32:15 Cloud Why do you have that? 00:00:32:16 - 00:00:36:09 Rose I was thinking of painting a big dick on it, but whatever. 00:00:36:11 - 00:00:38:24 Cloud And would why be completely out of the question here? 00:00:39:03 - 00:00:39:24 Rose Why the dick? 00:00:40:04 - 00:00:41:22 Cloud Uh huh. 00:00:41:24 - 00:00:49:14 Rose Because I don't like art that isn't true. And that's the beauty of art. It's subjective. 00:00:49:16 - 00:00:51:00 Cloud Can I call you?